Monday, October 3, 2011

Ann-1, Technology-0

I finally hacked back into my own blog after locking myself out for way too long! I am being dramatic, it's true but even still and all, this is a victory! Technology is in the infuriating habit of kicking my butt on a regular basis, so even a small victory I will take. Ann-1, Technology-0. Ha!
So hello again, Art Works Studio Blog. Nice to see ya. A lot has changed since last we met. It's an interesting time to update an outdated blog. I am still working at Roswell as an artist-in-residence. I am still painting and showing work around Buffalo. And now I am teaching at the Aurora Waldorf High School. This is Year Two. I seem to have a knack for finding opportunites to jump into new new new ventures- like being the exhibits coordinator at Explore & More Children's Museum when they had not had one before or being one of the first, experimental artists- in-residence for Arts in Healthcare 3 years ago. Now the pioneering effort is this long- awaited Waldorf High School. It's been a teaching dream of mine for so long and I feel really lucky to get to be part of this new exciting school.
Another new thing is that this very month I will be moving my studio from its Main Street location, back into my home. I'm excited about this. As much as I have loved the studio space I've had at Red Brick, it will be nice to have life be one piece simpler right now. I'm plotting and scheming even as I type here over what will go where and how the move will work. There is a blobby, just barely conceived, unfinished painting anxiously awaiting the end of this move and I am really looking forward to laying it out and taking it further in my new set-up.
Now that I have dusted off this blog (take THAT, technology!) I can get on with my day, all puffed up and proud that after ages of blog lock-out angst, I am finally back in. Never mind that I cannot figure out how to make it make proper paragraphs. I'll just pretend I want it that way for now.
Oh, the painting on this page: "The Bad Girl's Dream" watercolor on clayboard panel 24"x36" begging to be framed.

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